Animal Stories: Part 2

Species: Capuchin Monkey
Age: Young
Sex: Male

Tarzan is a Capuchin Monkey who was originally someone's pet. The person who had kept him decided that he was too much for him one day and he let him go in the rain forest. Since Tarzan had not been raised in the wild, he did not know how to interact with the other animals, and this lead to him getting injured. If we remember correctly, he got in a fight with a pack of howler monkeys, and he was severely injured. Mary says that Tarzan was brought to the sanctuary in really bad condition, he was even missing a good section of his skin in the back. The vet was unable to save his half of his left arm.
Now Tarzan is doing just fine. He has a pen close to the entrance to the sanctuary all to himself, where he gets to throw his food around every morning. As guests come into the sanctuary, Tarzan likes to greet them and ask for them to scratch his back.
When it is not raining, Tarzan gets some "free roam" time around the sanctuary, during which he likes to terrorize everyone and tear down signs off of the refrigerators. Today he knocked a bucket of cat food down off of a refrigerator onto a fish tank.
His favorite hobbies are resting in the sink and climbing in the trees (sometimes carrying coconuts). He does perfectly fine without his arm, climbing while carrying a coconut is not a problem for him. He can be a bit mouthy at times, but that just adds to the fun of playing with him.
He seems to be a fan favorite here at the sanctuary and it is not hard to see why.


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